denny and wonder woman

The years I spent with wonder woman were spoilt by the fact I was seeing Denny at the same time.

One was weekend girl, the other was weekday girl

Denny could never get me to take her out anywhere - I was in dread of them meeting in the street.

Like raskolnikov in Crime And Punishment, the tension was driving me crazy - "let it just be over!"

Finally when denny and I split, it was a relief to just have one handful to manage. It was only much later I realised I had let the wrong one go. Actually that's not true, they both had to go, but Denny was the one who had a lot of positives to offset the negatives.

The positives:
She had the finest pair of thingies I have ever come across, and a magnificent thingy, and her other thingy could make a bishop kick a hole through a stained-glass window. I adored every inch of her. The sound of her voice, the scent of her, the dumb sassiness. She taught me how to spoon - through the night, whenever one of us turned over in our sleep, the other one rolled over in harmony.

Sleeping with wonder woman was the opposite - once she was asleep, she lay completely still all night. The morning after our first time, I thought she must be dead or paralysed.


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