age23 - denny

After university I got a job in a Dunedin government department. Hopelessly overqualfied, I was adrift amongst real people - working class mums (salt of the earth in my experience) and loutish young folk.

One day I was busy pushing bits of paper around my desk as usual when Denny, the most gorgeous person there, walked up and asked if I wanted to contribute to the booze fund for the Xmas party. When I explained that it wasn't my scene (I would be spending Christmas at home drinking home brew with Mary Hopkin), she said "well suit yourself then" and flounced off.

After that, I would occasionally notice her deep in concentration, bending over someone's desk. I had to look away.

When I asked around, I found out she had a boyfriend, a rugby player who mistreated her. If she was mine, I'd treat her properly. A few years later I would find out just how hard it was to get her to accept being treated well. And after she was dead I found out why.

The picture of Denny was taken a few years before I first met her. Just look at that wonderful defiant stare. Magnificent! I think the thumb-prints around her bazookas were already there when I inherited the photo. I wonder whose they are?


Hotboy said…
Albert? Oooooh, this is much better!!Can you start photofitting some naked babes onto such photies? That would help! Hotboy
Believe me, if I only had a hut manager they'd be working on it full-time.
Anonymous said…
I say!

Perhaps the police can throw some light on the fingerprints.

onan said…
Menzies, good idea but hereabouts we prefer to settle things without troubling the police.

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