age 28 - wonder woman

Please note - the sexist attitudes in this post are provided purely for historical authenticity.

Sometimes you find yourself involved with someone you shouldn't. But people have their reasons for persevering, which in my case included enjoying other men's admiration of this lass (e.g. "you realise she looks just like Wonder Woman?"), and the usual fear of being single.

This blog is supposed to be in praise of people, so I'll try to confine myself to her good points.

  • Well, she could be endearingly brash. Ten years younger than me, she said she had already had over 40 men (beating by a factor of 10 my score with women). But there was one new experience she wanted to try. "Up the bum!" she would cry. Hard to believe, I never obliged. You had to be there to understand.

  • When she accompanied me to a graduation party, one of the lecturers took me aside to comment on her beauty. I said "you want her? You can have her". I was only half serious, but he must have remembered me, because a week later he rang me to offer me a three-year research grant to study jazz tape labelling, and my career path was set. To his credit, he never asked for payment in kind.

  • She and her friends showed me how to blow research funds in night clubs and cocktail bars

Anyway, one day I sat her down to have a serious chat so I could finish with her.

After I allowed myself to be talked out of it, we carried on for about another year. Wasted time for both of us, I expect she sees it that way too.


Hotboy said…
Albert? She's got very nice legs! Actually, she's just my type. If you've got any nudie snaps of her just post them. She's probably dead by this time! Hotboy p.s. How do you pack somebody in? If I'd known how to do that, wouldn't life have been different!
albert or whatever said…
Hotters, are you sure the nudie photies would help? If they existed, that is.

I never mastered the packing in bit either, I had to wait till she packed me in. Hope that helps.
Anonymous said…
I say!

What romantic discussions the two of you obviously had.


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